The Cost of DEI in FCPS

“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” programs are crumbling almost everywhere, as institutions are realizing that DEI can be costly, divisive, ineffective, and contrary to American values.  The trend began before the new administration took power in Washington on January 20, and it will surely mushroom in the coming months.

There is no visible sign, however, that the power of DEI in FCPS will decline anytime soon.  Since 2021, when then-Superintendent Scott Braband declared that “equity” would not just be “a thing” but would be “the thing” in the school system, DEI has affected almost everything FCPS has done.  Among other things, it is an integral part of the “Excellence, Equity and Opportunity” Strategic Plan for 2023-30.  A substantial bureaucracy has been established within FCPS to administer existing “equity” programs and to advocate for additional initiatives.

What is the cost of this “equity”?  The question can’t be fully answered in dollar terms.  Unquantifiable costs are incurred whenever merit gives way to preferences based on race, gender or other “identities,” as when a school hires a less-qualified teacher in preference to a more-qualified one, or when the academic requirements of a premier high school are downgraded in the name of equity, or when a school fails to discipline disruptive students because the racial “proportionality” of discipline would be affected thereby.

Nevertheless, it is important to understand what the school system spends on DEI, so Fairfax Schools Monitor submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information.  We obtained an organization chart, salary information, and the current year budget for the Chief Equity Office at FCPS headquarters.  Here’s what we learned:

The Chief Equity Office is headed by a Chief Equity Officer (salary: $258,641).  She directly supervises an Executive Director for Equity & Student Relations ($191,634), a Chief Administrative Hearings Officer ($189,569), and a Thomas Jefferson High School Admissions Director ($122,717).

The Executive Director for Equity & Student Relations supervises a Director of Equity ($181,288), a Special Projects Administrator ($177,276), an Administrator of Equity Programs ($169,127), a Title IX Coordinator ($151,041), a Senior Manager for Equity & Student Conduct ($133,473), and a Data Specialist ($98,914).  These employees supervise other employees under them.  For example, the Director of Equity has a Senior Manager of Equity & Cultural Responsiveness ($155,921), who, in turn, supervises several Educational Specialists for Equity & Cultural Responsiveness (salaries between $121,000 and $150,000).

Altogether, there are 56 authorized full-time positions in the Chief Equity Office according to the FOIA documents.  It is important to note that this greatly understates the number of FCPS employees participating in DEI activities, because (i) other central office personnel, from the Superintendent on down, work with the Chief Equity Office and (ii) teachers and administrative staff in every elementary, middle and high school are involved in DEI training and administration.

The FOIA documents disclose that the budgeted salaries of Chief Equity Office personnel total about $5.25 million and that the total budget of the office is about $5.76 million.  Again, however, the numbers significantly understate FCPS expenditures because the office’s official budget does not include (i) any amount for rent, utilities or other overhead attributable to the DEI office, or (ii) DEI expenditures in the hundreds of schools in Fairfax County.

Every school system must have personnel who will combat discriminatory conduct.  Some money must be spent.  But in many institutions, including FCPS, DEI doesn’t just deal with discrimination.  Vast bureaucracies have been created to enforce equal outcomes rather than equal opportunity.  Is a 56-person “equity” office, with supervisors and sub-supervisors and sub-sub-supervisors, really needed? Questions like this should be addressed when FCPS formulates its ever-expanding budgets.

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  1. Jeff Leach on January 25, 2025 at 6:20 pm

    I recommend another lawsuit. Who with standing wants to take it on? How about forming a class action suit as taxpayers at Fairfax County? They lost their case last month on “transgender” bathrooms and pronouns, and the national wins have shifted strongly against the discriminatory practices of the “Democrat” Party with the election of President Trump.

  2. Eric Rozenman on January 26, 2025 at 9:09 pm

    Excellent research, Mr. Spooner. Will be valuable to everyone working to improve education provided by FCPS as opposed to attempted promotion of “proportionate” outcomes based on reactionary categories of group “identities.”

  3. Lori on January 26, 2025 at 11:21 pm

    Tired of winning yet? I’m not.
    These programs are crumbling and these ridiculous jobs, funded by taxpayers, will end eventually. It can’t happen soon enough.

  4. Jon Thomas on January 27, 2025 at 3:03 am

    Thank you Mr Spooner for your dedication to bring transparency to Fairfax County school policies and issues

  5. Valerie Waddelove on January 27, 2025 at 11:22 am

    It was shocking to me that there are 56 employees in the FCPS Equity Office, and that they manage to spend $5.76 million dollars — our money for educating, not indoctrinating, our kids. DEI will probably cause more money to be spent in legal expenses in 2025, too. DEI is not looked upon favorably either by the state or federal governments. In the 2024 budget $1.96 million dollars was earmarked for legal costs, but $8 million was actually spent. Though similar figures are in the new budget, there is no reason to believe that it will be less than $8 million again. More legal challenges will be coming. The school system asserts that they are grossly underfunded and need $300 million. Real estate taxes went up last year by three percent, and will no doubt go up again for 2025. The influx of non-English speakers, largely undocumented immigrants, is costing the system perhaps (as one estimate found) $158 million, which includes added staff. Outside consultants are being hired to assess costs and changes. They get paid too. Salaries of teachers were raised according to a deal with the union; school board members voted themselves a raise several months ago. Recently Dr. Reid’s salary was also increased. In Fairfax County it costs nearly $20,000 per child for education; the national average is just under $12,000. School enrollment had been declining until the influx of undocumented migrants, who cost about $5,000 more each to educate. Previous Superintendent Braband declared, “Equity is not one thing, it is THE thing,” and Superintendent Reid is all in on this agenda. Something’s got to give. We can’t afford to pay more for schools, and we shouldn’t be expected to pay less for the public safety provided by the fire and police departments, or our park system. Fiscal responsibility must be “THE thing now”..

    • Mark Spooner on January 27, 2025 at 2:00 pm

      Valerie: Thanks for the additional data and analysis you have provided.

  6. Bob Bowdey on January 30, 2025 at 10:31 am

    As a retired FCPS teacher, this comes as no surprise. Bloated, unnecessary bureaucracy is not a new thing. When I graduated from FCPS we had a principal, a vice principal, and a counseling dept, when i taught at the same school we had a principal, 4 vice principals, a dean of students, a very large counseling dept and a couple of other admins i never could figure out. This was all on top of the pyramids and clusters and an amazing number of administrators who leave Gatehouse every day after lunch and are never seen again. The administration building becomes a ghost town every afternoon and as a teacher I can tell you they were not in the schools. It was probably 4 years before I saw my first district special ed admin and that was only because FCPS was in a brief period of looking for ways to cut costs. We could easily get rid of 70% of the admin in FCPS and put that money into actual education.

    • Mark Spooner on January 30, 2025 at 12:14 pm

      Bob: Thanks much for your insights, based on personal experience. Please continue commenting in the future when you see posts on this site that you have knowledge about.

    • Mark Spooner on January 30, 2025 at 12:14 pm

      Bob: Thanks much for your insights, based on personal experience. Please continue commenting in the future when you see posts on this site that you have knowledge about.

  7. Janet Pral on February 1, 2025 at 1:19 pm

    This is not just waste, fraud and abuse. These threats to our children’s education parallel the UN’s agenda. This is not just simply local politics.

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