More Citizens Express Concerns about School Board Actions

The Fairfax County School Board and FCPS administrators have become increasingly contemptuous of its constituents.  As reported in recent posts on this site, they have recently enacted highly controversial measures, ignoring the results of their own surveys showing massive opposition by the community.  For inexplicable reasons, the Board and the administration seem to care principally…

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School Board’s Contempt for Parents on Full Display

A perceptive journalist, Stephanie Lundquist-Arora, just eliminated a project I had planned for today.  I intended to write an article about last week’s meeting of the Fairfax County School Board at which the Board once again dismissed the results of a community survey because the results were not to its liking.  The Board also decided,…

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Important School Board Meeting — June 27

The Fairfax County School Board will be meeting this Thursday, June 27, to consider important issues affecting family rights, sexualization of children, and the agenda of the tiny-but-powerful transgender lobby.  In particular, it will be voting on sex-education recommendations made by the Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee (FLECAC).  These proposals include showing graphic videos…

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Karl Frisch’s Sacred Texts

On December 13 the recently elected members of the Fairfax County School Board were sworn into office.  The incoming Chair, Karl Frisch, is pictured above as he took his oath. What are the texts Frisch’s left hand rests on?  They don’t include the Bible, the Torah, the Koran or other sacred books commonly used when…

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National Merit Suit — Brief Update

A controversy arose last December when it was reported that officials at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) had failed to notify students and parents in a timely manner of achievement awards from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.  According to the news reporting, TJ administrators explained that the awards had been withheld…

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