Fairfax Schools Monitor

What is really being taught in our public schools?

What is being taught to our children in Virginia’s Fairfax County public schools?  Critical Race Theory?  Gender fluidity?  Pornography?  Is excellence in education being sidelined in favor of other goals?

The county’s school system has been in national as well as local headlines, with conflicting claims and denials about what is and isn’t being taught.  Rather than relying on sensational news reports, this blog will expose the truth about the policies and curriculum of the public school system.  What are teachers being instructed to teach, and what are the children actually being taught?  Has the focus remained on reading, writing, language, mathematics, science, history and civics, or has the school system shifted towards implanting controversial ideologies into young minds?

We will dig into the facts and will reveal official documents, including policy statements and curriculum outlines.  We will monitor the activities of the Fairfax County School Board.  We will solicit knowledgeable input from parents and mature students.

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Recent Posts

Alert: FCPS Students Will Be Automatically Enrolled in Unpopular Unisex Sex-Ed Classes Unless Parents Opt Out Soon.

By Mark Spooner | August 7, 2024

In 2022-23, when transgender advocates urged the Fairfax County School Board to eliminate gender-separate sex-ed classes for boys and girls, 84% of the community opposed the idea in a public survey.  The School Board therefore ducked the issue and didn’t vote on it.  Nonetheless, FCPS administrators thereafter quietly decided to proceed with a version of…

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More Citizens Express Concerns about School Board Actions

By Mark Spooner | July 24, 2024

The Fairfax County School Board and FCPS administrators have become increasingly contemptuous of its constituents.  As reported in recent posts on this site, they have recently enacted highly controversial measures, ignoring the results of their own surveys showing massive opposition by the community.  For inexplicable reasons, the Board and the administration seem to care principally…

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School Board’s Contempt for Parents on Full Display

By Mark Spooner | July 2, 2024

A perceptive journalist, Stephanie Lundquist-Arora, just eliminated a project I had planned for today.  I intended to write an article about last week’s meeting of the Fairfax County School Board at which the Board once again dismissed the results of a community survey because the results were not to its liking.  The Board also decided,…

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Important School Board Meeting — June 27

By Mark Spooner | June 24, 2024

The Fairfax County School Board will be meeting this Thursday, June 27, to consider important issues affecting family rights, sexualization of children, and the agenda of the tiny-but-powerful transgender lobby.  In particular, it will be voting on sex-education recommendations made by the Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee (FLECAC).  These proposals include showing graphic videos…

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The Transgender Agenda at FCPS — What’s Next?

By Mark Spooner | June 17, 2024

The Fairfax County School Board will be voting on several recommended changes to the sex-ed curriculum for Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) at its next meeting, on June 27.  For this reason, several community members addressed the issues at the Board’s June 13 meeting. Two speakers, including myself, voiced concerns about some of the Family…

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Unisex Sex-Ed Classes Are Being Implemented in FCPS Elementary and Middle Schools

By Mark Spooner | June 7, 2024

The Fairfax County public school system (FCPS) has one of the most far-reaching transgender policies in the nation.  Under it a student can change his or her name and gender-indicative pronouns without parental consent, and all other students and school personnel must use those altered designations.  If a student exhibits gender dysphoria at school, FCPS…

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TJ Drops in Quality Rankings, Again

By Mark Spooner | April 24, 2024

Fairfax County’s Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) used to be the #1 high school in the country in U.S. News & World Report’s rankings.  It achieved this status in three consecutive years — 2020, 2021 and 2022.  But it slipped to #5 in 2023.  And it has dropped to #14 in…

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Has the TJ Experiment Been a Success?

By Mark Spooner | March 9, 2024

We are more than three years into the TJ experiment, but the Fairfax County School Board hasn’t yet addressed its successes and failures.  Whether an objective analysis will ever be conducted is questionable, for the program was adopted primarily for ideological reasons, and the Board may be reluctant to subject its ideological assumptions to scrutiny. …

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It’s a Sad Day: TJ Discriminatory Admissions Policy Is Allowed to Stand

By Mark Spooner | February 21, 2024

The U.S. Supreme Court, in an order entered yesterday, declined to review the decision of a court of appeals in Coalition for TJ v. Fairfax County School Board that upheld a discriminatory admissions policy for the once-elite Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (“TJ”).  Two justices (Alito and Thomas) voted to take the…

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Sacred Texts — Part 2 — Rachna Sizemore Heizer

By Mark Spooner | January 10, 2024

A previous article on this site noted that a member of the Fairfax County School Board, Karl Frisch, took his oath of office in December on a stack of controversial, sex-themed books, thereby sending an in-your-face message to the community about his ideology and priorities.  See “Karl Frisch’s Sacred Texts.“ Mr. Frisch was not the only…

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