Karl Frisch’s Sacred Texts

On December 13 the recently elected members of the Fairfax County School Board were sworn into office.  The incoming Chair, Karl Frisch, is pictured above as he took his oath. What are the texts Frisch’s left hand rests on?  They don’t include the Bible, the Torah, the Koran or other sacred books commonly used when…

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Lawsuit Against FCPS May Be Coming to Enforce the Model Transgender Policy

  As recently reported HERE and HERE, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has announced that it will not comply with the Virginia Department of Education’s recently-issued model transgender policy.  The refusal violates a Virginia statute that expressly requires school boards throughout the Commonwealth to adopt policies consistent with the model policy.  In defying the law, FCPS…

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Fairfax’s Transgender Policy Must Be Challenged

The Fairfax County Public School system (FCPS) says it won’t comply with the Virginia Department of Education’s new transgender policy because the current FCPS policy is “consistent with federal and state anti-discrimination laws as required by the new model policies.”  See Letter from Superintendent Michelle Reid to the Community, Aug. 15, 2023. HERE. This is…

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Fairfax School Board Defies Virginia’s Transgender Policy

After leaking its closed-door decision to transgender advocates, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) announced on August 15 that it would ignore the Virginia Board of Education’s recently issued transgender policy. The decision was revealed in a community letter from the FCPS Superintendent, which is HERE. Not a word or comma in FCPS’ existing policy will…

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Fairfax Schools Hide Academic Awards from Families — Update

Since this story broke on December 21, new developments have occurred almost daily.  The story has held the attention of the public, press and government authorities because it vividly exemplifies how the Fairfax County public school system (“FCPS”) has elevated “equity” over academic standards and achievement. Factual Developments Journalist Asra Nomani’s December 21 article in…

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Virginia General Assembly Panel Considers Youngkin Model Transgender Policy

On December 19 a committee of the Virginia General Assembly voted 5-4 to oppose the Youngkin administration’s proposed Model Policy for dealing with transgender issues in Virginia public schools.  The vote was meaningless.  Here’s why. The Youngkin administration’s Department of Education published a draft of a Model Policy in mid-September and established a 60-day period…

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Youngkin Model Transgender Policy — Urgent Action Needed

A public hearing will be held in Richmond this coming Monday, December 19, on the Youngkin Administration’s Model Transgender Policy.  Interested citizens who cannot attend in person may testify virtually or submit written comments, but the deadline is tomorrow, Sunday, December 18, at noon. This is an important matter relating to protection of our kids in…

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Virginia Senate Rejects School Board Power Play

Yesterday’s news from the Virginia Senate was extraordinary.  Half the Democrats joined with all the Republicans to reject the latest power play by Northern Virginia School Boards.  The Senate voted 29-9 to allow parents to opt out of local mask mandates for students in public schools.  The House of Delegates will almost surely endorse this…

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Virginia Senate Committee Kills Youngkin Education Bill

Virginia General Assembly

Introduction Glenn Youngkin, Virginia’s Governor for only a few weeks, has attempted to make education reform a top priority, but the Democrat controlled Virginia Senate is united in opposition.  On Thursday, February 3, a Senate Committee killed a key Youngkin proposal relating to Critical Race Theory. Youngkin was elected in November 2021 after an education-focused…

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Gov. Youngkin’s Executive Order No. 1 Addresses Education

Glenn Youngkin was sworn in as Virginia Governor yesterday, January 15, 2022.  As his first act in office, he signed Executive Order No. 1, which addresses Critical Race Theory and other divisive education policies.  A copy of the Executive Order is HERE. The Order is a significant step in the right direction, but it is not…

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