More Citizens Express Concerns about School Board Actions

The Fairfax County School Board and FCPS administrators have become increasingly contemptuous of its constituents.  As reported in recent posts on this site, they have recently enacted highly controversial measures, ignoring the results of their own surveys showing massive opposition by the community.  For inexplicable reasons, the Board and the administration seem to care principally…

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Important School Board Meeting — June 27

The Fairfax County School Board will be meeting this Thursday, June 27, to consider important issues affecting family rights, sexualization of children, and the agenda of the tiny-but-powerful transgender lobby.  In particular, it will be voting on sex-education recommendations made by the Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee (FLECAC).  These proposals include showing graphic videos…

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Karl Frisch’s Sacred Texts

On December 13 the recently elected members of the Fairfax County School Board were sworn into office.  The incoming Chair, Karl Frisch, is pictured above as he took his oath. What are the texts Frisch’s left hand rests on?  They don’t include the Bible, the Torah, the Koran or other sacred books commonly used when…

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Fairfax’s Transgender Policy Must Be Challenged

The Fairfax County Public School system (FCPS) says it won’t comply with the Virginia Department of Education’s new transgender policy because the current FCPS policy is “consistent with federal and state anti-discrimination laws as required by the new model policies.”  See Letter from Superintendent Michelle Reid to the Community, Aug. 15, 2023. HERE. This is…

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Rhetoric v. Reality in the New “Equity” Policy

After a working session of the Fairfax County School Board a couple of days ago, a new draft of the proposed Equity Policy was hurriedly drafted, and then posted on the FCPS website at 3:30 Friday afternoon.  A meeting will be held Monday evening, June 26, to stamp it with the Board’s final approval.  It…

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December 15 — Two Opportunities to Make Your Voice Heard

Next Thursday, December 15, citizens of Fairfax County will have two opportunities to tell the School Board what’s on their mind. At 6:00 p.m. there will be a one-hour hearing on the subject of Collective Bargaining.  Twenty-five two-minute speaking slots are available.   Fairfax Schools Monitor has been very critical of the Board’s process for considering…

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School Board Proposes Combining Boys & Girls in Sex-Ed Classes — Part 2

As previously reported, the Fairfax County School Board is considering amendments to its sex-education curriculum for 4th to 8th graders.  See “School Board Proposes Combining Boys and Girls in Sex-Ed Classes in Grades 4-8,” Nov. 28, 2022. Sex education at these grade levels has traditionally been provided separately to boys and girls, but the proposal…

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Sex Education Proposal — Addendum

The link in my last post to the School Board’s sex education survey apparently didn’t work for some of you.  You can go to the survey by clicking HERE.  Reminder:  The deadline for responding to the survey is this Thursday, December 1, at 4:30 p.m.

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