More Citizens Express Concerns about School Board Actions

The Fairfax County School Board and FCPS administrators have become increasingly contemptuous of its constituents.  As reported in recent posts on this site, they have recently enacted highly controversial measures, ignoring the results of their own surveys showing massive opposition by the community.  For inexplicable reasons, the Board and the administration seem to care principally about one tiny-but-vocal group — advocates of transgenderism.

More and more citizens are beginning to be aware, speaking at Board meetings, writing to FCPS in protest, publishing op-ed pieces, and spreading the word to neighbors and friends.

As an example, I am attaching a recent letter to the Board from one concerned citizen.  It addresses, among other things, FCPS’s undemocratic, dismissive actions and attitude, its lack of transparency, its enactment of unpopular unisex sex-ed classes for young children, and its promotion of unscientific, destructive transgender ideology.  The letter is well researched and compellingly written, and is well worth reading.  It can be found HEREThe Board members and school administrators will probably toss it aside, as they do with everything else that doesn’t agree with their ideological approach to education, but if more and more citizens speak up, there will hopefully be an impact eventually.

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  1. Concerned Parent on July 24, 2024 at 2:52 pm

    Thank you! What a read indeed. More thoughts to come.

  2. Richard Saunders on July 24, 2024 at 5:38 pm

    I love how they dismiss their own survey because not everyone filled it out so it is not representative. I guess since not every registered Fairfax voter voted in their election we can dismiss them as well.

    • Mark Spooner on July 24, 2024 at 5:59 pm

      Richard: Good point. Consistency isn’t their strong point. If the results of the survey had supported what they wanted to do, you can be sure they’d be singing a different tune about its value.

    • Jeff Leach on July 26, 2024 at 2:51 pm

      Great point, Richard. I wish I’d pointed that out in the letter.

  3. Steve Quiner on July 25, 2024 at 8:37 am

    Brilliant letter by a mature, insightful citizen. I will comfort myself with the thought that the board will take heed.

    • Jeff Leach on July 26, 2024 at 2:52 pm

      Thanks, Steve. We can always hope. Some Board members are more reasonable than others. We have to reason with the ones we can and remove the others.