Fairfax Schools Monitor

What is really being taught in our public schools?

What is being taught to our children in Virginia’s Fairfax County public schools?  Critical Race Theory?  Gender fluidity?  Pornography?  Is excellence in education being sidelined in favor of other goals?

The county’s school system has been in national as well as local headlines, with conflicting claims and denials about what is and isn’t being taught.  Rather than relying on sensational news reports, this blog will expose the truth about the policies and curriculum of the public school system.  What are teachers being instructed to teach, and what are the children actually being taught?  Has the focus remained on reading, writing, language, mathematics, science, history and civics, or has the school system shifted towards implanting controversial ideologies into young minds?

We will dig into the facts and will reveal official documents, including policy statements and curriculum outlines.  We will monitor the activities of the Fairfax County School Board.  We will solicit knowledgeable input from parents and mature students.

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We invite and encourage comments from all points of view, so long as they are presented in a respectful, and non-violent way. There is a way to comment at the end of each blog.

Do you have information to share? We would love to hear it. Please go HERE to tell us your story. We will ask for your name so that we can verify that you are a real person, but will not share your information or your name without permission

Recent Posts

Court Nixes School Board’s “Social Justice” Admissions Policy

By Mark Spooner | February 26, 2022

  Introduction The Fairfax County School Board implemented a new admissions policy last year for the elite Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (“TJ”), designed to increase the percentage of African American and Hispanic students in the school at the expense of Asian Americans.  Yesterday, the federal district court in Alexandria struck down…

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School Board Election

If It Can Happen in San Fran ….

By Mark Spooner | February 17, 2022

The citizens of San Francisco overwhelming voted this week to throw three members of the local school board out of office.  Only three of the seven members were eligible for recall.  All three were ousted by more than 70 percent of the voters. The San Francisco School Board incurred the wrath of parents and other…

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"Social Justice"

Fairfax School Board Defends Race-Centric Curriculum — Continued

By Mark Spooner | February 12, 2022

Introduction The most recent post on this site reported on speeches by members of the Fairfax County School Board in defense of their new social studies curriculum, which focuses relentlessly on issues of race, power, bias and identity.  See “Fairfax School Board Defends Race-Centric Curriculum,” February 12, 2022. This post analyzes and critiques the comments of the…

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"Social Justice"

Fairfax School Board Defends Race-Centric Curriculum

By Mark Spooner | February 12, 2022

Introduction Recent posts on this site have outlined the process by which the Fairfax County School Board has reshaped the curriculum for social studies courses to focus on issues of “privilege,” “equity,” “power” and “bias.”  See “Development of New ‘Anti-Racism’ Curriculum in Fairfax County,” Jan. 16, 2022; “Fairfax County’s Race Centric Curriculum for U.S. History,” Jan. 21, 2022.…

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Virginia Senate Rejects School Board Power Play

By Mark Spooner | February 9, 2022

Yesterday’s news from the Virginia Senate was extraordinary.  Half the Democrats joined with all the Republicans to reject the latest power play by Northern Virginia School Boards.  The Senate voted 29-9 to allow parents to opt out of local mask mandates for students in public schools.  The House of Delegates will almost surely endorse this…

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Critical Race Theory

Excellent Video on Critical Race Theory

By Mark Spooner | February 8, 2022

Attached is a video that summarizes the origins, teaching, and objectives of Critical Race Theory (“CRT”).  It was prepared by a prominent CRT opponent, Christopher Rufo.  It is well worth the time required to watch it (17;45). The video confirms and reinforces several prior posts on this website, which have shown that the Fairfax County…

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Virginia General Assembly

Virginia Senate Committee Kills Youngkin Education Bill

By Mark Spooner | February 4, 2022

Introduction Glenn Youngkin, Virginia’s Governor for only a few weeks, has attempted to make education reform a top priority, but the Democrat controlled Virginia Senate is united in opposition.  On Thursday, February 3, a Senate Committee killed a key Youngkin proposal relating to Critical Race Theory. Youngkin was elected in November 2021 after an education-focused…

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Make a Difference

Can I Make a Difference?

By Mark Spooner | January 29, 2022

The Problem Is the Fairfax County School Board is on the wrong track?  If so, what can be done? The current Board seems unanimous in its commitment to race-centric education that focuses on “privilege,” “identity,” and so-called “equity,” so the task of turning things around seems daunting. The Board apparently assumes that since they were…

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Revealing Dialogue with a School Board Member

By Mark Spooner | January 24, 2022

I recently had an interesting email discussion with a member of the Fairfax County School Board.  Our exchange says a lot about how she, and perhaps other current Board members, think about educating our children. Background On January 13, 2022, I spoke in person at the School Board meeting.  Thirteen individuals who have submitted applications…

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Fairfax County’s Race-Centric Curriculum for US History

By Mark Spooner | January 21, 2022

Introduction This post goes to the heart of what this website is all about: What is really being taught in Fairfax County public schools?  It is a continuation of “Development of New ‘Anti-Racism’ Curriculum in Fairfax County,” January 16, 2022.  That post outlines the School Board’s decision to revise the social studies curricula to stress…

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