Fairfax Schools Monitor

What is really being taught in our public schools?

What is being taught to our children in Virginia’s Fairfax County public schools?  Critical Race Theory?  Gender fluidity?  Pornography?  Is excellence in education being sidelined in favor of other goals?

The county’s school system has been in national as well as local headlines, with conflicting claims and denials about what is and isn’t being taught.  Rather than relying on sensational news reports, this blog will expose the truth about the policies and curriculum of the public school system.  What are teachers being instructed to teach, and what are the children actually being taught?  Has the focus remained on reading, writing, language, mathematics, science, history and civics, or has the school system shifted towards implanting controversial ideologies into young minds?

We will dig into the facts and will reveal official documents, including policy statements and curriculum outlines.  We will monitor the activities of the Fairfax County School Board.  We will solicit knowledgeable input from parents and mature students.

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Critical Race theory in Fairfax schools

Ibram X. Kendi in Fairfax County Schools

By Mark Spooner | December 21, 2021

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Who Is Ibram X. Kendi?

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What Is Critical Race Theory?

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Fairfax Schools monitor

First Steps

By Mark Spooner | December 15, 2021

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